Sunday, May 10, 2009

lola's chocolate bunny

this is a great project for kids to do, with the mid term break coming up at the end of the month i fully recommend getting in the few things you need to do this as it is a rewarding little project with endless possibilities for variation. they make lovely handmade gifts too, especially if you gift wrap them (try keylink for off the shelf chocolate packaging, or improvise with greaseproof paper and ribbons for a truly artisanal look).
so meet lola, 3 (very nearly 4 as she is at pains to point out). she decided to make a bunny. at this age a little supervision is useful but older children would be fine on their own.
you will need melted chocolate to form the base of your shape, this will make up the majority of the finished shape so choose your favourite. i find it is rarely worth melting less than about 100g of chocolate at a go, too smaller quantity is at risk of burning during melting or is likely to set too quickly once you stop heating it.
these are the types of things you can have handy for decoration-
contrasting chocolate, either melted for sqiggling, or buttons or shavings...sprinkles...dried fruit...edible glitter...jelly tots...marshmallows...basically anything that sticks to melted chocolate and the intended receipient would appreciate...

1. draw out your basic shape on some greaseproof paper. i find that sticking the paper down to a plate or baking tray is useful to stop it curling while you're working. a couple of blobs of butter on each corner works well.

2. test the chocolate
3. spoon on the melted chocolate to fill the shape. smooth it out with the back of the spoon so it is nice and even and thick enough to press your decorations in to.

3. decorate

4. test the decorations

5. pop the whole lot in the fridge til it sets then peel off the paper and gift wrap if you'd like.

6. or eat.


aineshea said...

Awwhh So Cute

DarceysDad said...

Ha. Neat twist / new idea on what to do with melted chocolate. I'll let you know how we get on.